Tape with seeds

Are you looking for a gift for a perfectionist? We have something perfect. Tape with sunken herb or vegetable seeds will be a perfect gift. Imagine the joy of a perfectionist whose garden plants grow at perfect intervals. Clever, isn’t it?

But the chaos masters will love this gadget as well. Maybe you’d like to gift someone who loves nature and plants, but sowing and planting plants is a challenge that can’t be overcome for its chaotic nature. And in this case, the tape with sunken seeds will be a godsend.

But there’s also another possibility. Perhaps you need a gift for a person who dreams about the garden, but is in eternal inevitability. Long sowing isn’t for them, measuring beds and planting plants. So they roll out the tape, cover it with soil, water it and … that’s it! The garden is set up and growing.

As you can see, the tape with sunken herbs or vegetables seeds is an eco-friendly gadget that will be perfect for everyone. For an experienced but overworked gardener and garden dilettante who, however, loves nature.

Even if you don’t  quite know the nature of the recipient (because it’s a contractor, for example), you can be sure that this eco gift will be suitable. Prepared in accordance with your guidelines, it will certainly be remembered for a long time – not shorter than one season.



The tape with seeds is an absolute novelty and a hit of this season. It will surprise anyone who receives this unique eco gadget. Personalized and prepared in accordance with specific guidelines, will make it an unique and one of a kind gift.

Forms of login:

  • any graphics in the form of a sticker or label on the blister.

Elements of the set:

  • tape with sunken herb or vegetable seeds (to choose from : mint, lemon balm, cress, oregano, basil, forget-me-not, evening stock, hot pepper and many more…).
  • transparent blister with a label,

Poscard with seed sachet

Do you remember how much joy brought you postcards? Today, they’ve been effectively replaced by text messages and e-mails, which, however, seem to be quite soulless. Or maybe at the earliest opportunity, you’ll return to the nice tradition of sending postcards? Do it in a modern, ecological style. We have postcards with sachets of seeds for you.

You’ll send wishes or greetings with seeds, from which, with a little sunshine, you’ll have beautiful fragrant flowers, organic vegetables or aromatic herbs. Think how much joy your postcard can bring.




Absolutely for anyone, who you want to greet or whom you want to send a message to. You can send your postcard with seeds on the name day or a birthday of a loved one. Or maybe you have a long-lost friend whom you have longed for? Of course, the whole family will be happy with Christmas wishes. If, however, you have a great message to pass, then there’s no better way than a postcard – you may want to show off the birth of a child, maybe you need an unconventional invitation to a wedding or other ceremony. There’re so many possibilities. We’re sure that such a personalized post card with seeds will give joy not only to die-hard gardeners, but also to all those who love nature, floral decorations and ecological gadgets.

Apart from warm words you’ll send a sachet with seeds, which can wonderfully emphasize the content of the card. Do you wanna send a Valentine? The seeds of hot pepper will emphasize the power of your declaration and will heat the temperature. Do you miss someone? A grateful forget-me-not will be a great symbol. Are you sending greetings to a person who loves to cook? Undoubtedly, they will be happy to grow organic vegetables or herbs. And if you invite guests to an important event, the colorful flowers will emphasize the unique character of this circumstance. For example, let wedding guests in growing plants see how your love grows.

But think also that probably at least once a year you send postcards to your contractors. Surprise them with original postcards with seed pods. These ecological gifts will undoubtedly make you stand out and let you be remembered.




A post card with a sachete of herbs or vegetable seeds is an eco gift that will make you stand out. We’ll prepare cards with any graphics, and we’ll pack seeds selected by you into sachets. You can also order envelopes for this personalized gift. There’s nothing else left but to buy the right amount of stamps and wait for thanks from the recipients.

Forms of login:

  • any graphics on a postcard

Elements of the set:

  • postcard,
  • sachet with seeds (to choose from : mint, lemon balm, cress, oregano, basil, forget-me-not, evening stock, hot pepper and many more…). .
  • optional envelope,

Stationer with sachet of herbs


Stationery is by far the most popular advertising gadgets. But there’s no wonder – there’re never too many pens or pencils. But what should you do to make your gadget memorable and stand out from others?

Approach the case ecologically! Stationery with a sachet of herbs is a ready solution. We’ll prepare pens or pencils for you with your logo, and on each of them, we’ll put a sachets with seeds in the form of a flag. After receiving such an eco gadget, the recipient will be able to use the stationery as intended. However, the sown seeds will soon rise and become the decoration of the surroundings. Note that if you decide to put herbs in a flag, the recipient will soon have their own, ecological spices to their dishes. Clever, isn’t it?



You choose the stationery you need. You choose seeds that you want to put in a flag. We prepare the sets with your logo. And that’s it! You have a ready, eco-friendly advertising gadget.

You can distribute it to your contractors. You can use it by the picnic or promotional campaign. You can attach it as a gift to your product. There’re so many possibilities, that only your imagination can impose you some limitations.

The recipient comes back home with such an eco gift; the pen or pencil serves them as intended, for example, to write down the recipes with herbs in the lead role. Whereas the seeds will soon turn into plants, that will be a decoration of  the kitchen and an aromatic addition to dishes and beverages.

We are convinced that the herbs perfect for grilled dishes will be a summer hit. Alternatively, a fresh lemonade with mint is a brilliant way against heat, so it will also be perfect for those sachets.




Stationery with a sachet of herbs is a perfect advertising gadget. It’s is useful in every inch – a pen or a pencil can make notes, and the herbs can be used in the kitchen.

Forms of login:

  • logo on the pencil or pen; a print or stickerwith full color

Elements of the set:

  • pen or pencil,
  • sachet with seeds (to choose from: mint, lemon balm, cress, oregano, basil, forget-me-not, evening stock, hot pepper and many more…).

Promotional cress

If you want to feel the spring, put the water on your cress! It’s not only decorative and charming, but also very tasty and healthy. Cress is a real vitamin bomb, which is most often remembered around Easter. However, nothing prevents you from growing it more often. For sure it will be a benefit for your health.



Cress is easy to grow at home. Cress seeds should be placed in a vessel and poured with water. Then you have to wait until they become sticky. Then put the soaked seeds into another container lined with cellucotton or cotton wool. Remember to sprinkle the seeds evenly on the whole area. The container should be in a warm and sunny place, preferably on a window sill. Thanks to systematic watering, after a few days you’ll be able to enjoy your own cress. Delicious, healthy and organic.



Thanks to its characteristic taste, the cress is a great ingredient to many dishes – salads and sandwiches. It also perfectly blends with soups and pastes. Cress is rich in vitamin C, so its consumption is recommended to smokers. It should also be found in the diet of pregnant women. Its beneficial effects also greatly affect the skin and hair. Systematically consumed cress strengthens the hair and prevents it from falling out. People who care about their figure should also often reach for it, because it supports slimming.



Growing cress has never been so easy. The cress seeds are sealed in a cellophane bag with a label. Its shape can be completely free, just like the printed content.

Elements of the kit:

  • cress seeds,
  • cellophane bag with a label.

Forms of login:

  • a label with individual full color graphics.

Seed bomb in a cellophane bag

Seed bomb made of paper pulp contains sunken seeds. It’s a great, eco-friendly gadget that grows. The bomb placed in the ground and systematically nurtured will turn into a beautiful flower. If you don’t have any idea about the gift for wedding guests, and you dream about something unique, then we have the perfect solution. Seed bombs will show everyone how your love grows. Or maybe you are looking for a gift for babyshower or birthday party for a child? In such case, as well, work out perfectly the seeds bombs, which packed in additional beautiful boxes with a dedication, will be a great souvenir, growing as a child.
Do you love nature just like us? The seed bomb has been made just for you! Both of them: the one carefully nurtured at home, as well as the one abandoned in a neglected part of the city, will turn into wonderful flowers. It’s not only a great form of home decoration, but also an excellent way to  green the hard-to-reach places in the city. Thanks to the seed bombs, you’ll encourage the youngest to interact with nature in a simple and pleasant way.



Any seeds are embedded in the paper pulp. To make this humble bomb explode with a brilliance of colors and smells, just put it in the ground and water it.



This is a proposal for everyone. For young couples looking for original gifts. For people who want to inspire the youngest. For eco-gadget fans. Nevertheless, we especially encourage to cooperate the companies and institutions, which take responsibility for caring for the environment, and ecological actions are part of their CSR programmes. Individual and personalized eco-gadgets created by us, will be able to inspire your contractors and employees. The scope of available colors and shapes will make everyone find something for themselves.



A seed bomb placed in a cellophane bag with a label.

Seed bombs are available:

  • in the following shapes – butterfly, chicken, hare, rabbit, star, heart, flower, tulip, ball, pig, bee, frog
  • in the following colors – yellow, orange, red, white, green, blue, purple, pink, gray, black, brown, navy blue, maroon, turquoise, blue, beige, aquamarine,
  • with the following seeds – velvet, asters, begonias, pansies, celosia, cornflowers, bellflower, phlox, violet, gazania, carnation, sweet pea, echinacea, catnip, lobelia, lapwing, mallow, nasturtium, impatiens, forget-me-not, cosmos, common columbine, delphinium, calabash, impatiens, sunflower, daisy, petunia, sage, pulsatilla, alyssum (if the list doesn’t contain seeds that you would like to, please send an inquiry).

Forms of login:

  • a label with logo and individual graphics


Elements of the kit:

  • seed bomb with selected seeds
  • cellophane bag with a label
  • a ticket with logo
  • instruction

Seed bombs in organza pouches


Seed bomb made of paper pulp contains sunken seeds. It’s a great, eco-friendly gadget, that grows. The bomb placed in the ground and systematically nurtured will turn into a beautiful flower. If you don’t have any idea about the gift for wedding guests, and you dream about something unique, then we have the perfect solution. Seed bombs will show everyone how your love grows. Or maybe you are looking for a gift for babyshower or birthday party for a child? In such case, as well, work out perfectly the seeds bombs, which packed in additional beautiful boxes with a dedication, will be a great souvenir, growing as a child. Do you love nature just like us? The seed bomb has been made just for you! Both of them: the one carefully nurtured at home, as well as the one abandoned in a neglected part of the city, will turn
into wonderful flowers. It’s not only a great form of home decoration, but also an excellent way to green the hard-to-reach places in the city. Thanks to the seed bombs, you will encourage the youngest to interact with nature in a simple and pleasant way.



Any seeds are embedded in the paper pulp. To make this humble bomb explode with a brilliance of colors and smells, just put it in the ground and water it.



This is a proposal for everyone. For young couples looking for original gifts. For people who want to inspire the youngest. For eco-gadget fans. Nevertheless, we especially encourage to cooperate the companies and institutions, which take responsibility for caring for the environment, and ecological actions are part of their CSR programmes. Individual and personalized eco-gadgets created by us, will be able to inspire your contractors and employees. The scope of available colors and shapes will make everyone find something for themselves.



A seed bomb placed in the organza bag and optional additional box with a full color login. In the basic option, we suggest a box in one of the shapes (for example a bunny or an Easter egg) available among our blanks. In the Premium option, we’re able to make a box in any shape and size.

Seed bombs are available:

  • in the following shapes – butterfly, chicken, hare, rabbit, star, heart, flower, tulip, ball, pig, bee, frog
  • in the following colors – yellow, orange, red, white, green, blue, purple, pink, gray, black, brown, navy blue, maroon, turquoise, blue, beige, aquamarine,
  • in organza pouches in the following colors – green, red, gold, white, pink, navy blue, orange, maroon,
  • with the following seeds – velvet, asters, begonias, pansies, celosia, cornflowers, bellflower, phlox, violet, gazania, carnation, sweet pea, echinacea, catnip, lobelia, lapwing, mallow, nasturtium, impatiens, forget-me-not, cosmos, common columbine, delphinium, calabash, impatiens, sunflower, daisy, petunia, sage, pulsatilla, alyssum (if the list doesn’t contain seeds that you would like to, please send an inquiry).

Forms of login:

  • ticket with logo and individual graphics
  • optionally a box with full color graphics

Elements of the kit:

  • seed bomb with selected seeds
  • bag made of organza jute or linen
  • a ticket with logo
  • instruction

Promotional set attracting butterflies


If you dream of a garden, where you can marvel at colorful butterflies, you must first take care of the plants that lure those beautiful insects due to their scent. Thanks to our kit, it will be extremely simple. Do you want to try it out?



Butterflies are lured by the flowers with bright colors and strongly fragrant flowers. Therefore, in our promotional attracting butterflies set is included a mix of plants, consisting of purple coneflower, lavender, thyme and summer lilac. Particularly the last one is an exceptionally effective lure of butterflies. Thanks to its delicate fragrance, it attracts a whole host of colorful insects, hence, not without reason, it’s called a butterfly bush.

Beautiful, colorful butterflies look almost like flowers floating in the air. They aren’t just beautiful, but also very useful, because like bees or wasps, they  pollinate plants.



The kit contains everything you need to grow beautiful, colorful and fragrant flowers attracting butterflies. Our set is suitable not only for garden owners and nature fans. It  will ideally work out as a business gift. Thanks to our eco-friendly gadget, your company will go up a lot in the estimation of the contractors. Care for the environment is one of the basic elements of creating corporate social responsibility (CSR), and our eco gadgets fit in perfectly with this strategy.

We invite everyone who values ​​not only the beautiful fragrance of flowers, but also those who care about the nature.



What’s in our set? In an inconspicuous tin, we’ve closed something more than soil with seeds. This is a mysterious garden that will blossom with a riot of colors and smells.

Forms of login:

  • individual full color graphics in the form of a sticker on a can
  • individual full color graphics in the form of a sticker on the top of the can

Elements of the set:

  • metal can with individual full color graphics in the form of stickers
  • butterfly-attracting seeds
  • soil
  • instruction


Did you know that there’re around 170,000 butterfly species around the world? And in Poland indeed we have 3156 species.